Web pages loading slow... apache or mysql?


Verified User
Dec 21, 2004
I loaded my phpBB database on to a new server with DA. Since I got it up, the phpBB site posts are loading very slow.

I used the mysql optimization found on help.directadmin.com with no difference. I also tried setting the apache settings that were used on my old server and that didn't help.

When doing a show processlist on mysql I usually see about 3 entries with a Sleep that I have seen at a max of 96 for one of the entries. There are no errors reported on mysql or apache. While it is trying to load a post, looking at top the system is about 99% idle. Have plently of memory and not swapping either.

Any ideas?
Check the output from the "top" program.

Check to see if any swap space is being used, as swap memory can really bog down a system (ie: need more ram).

If unsure what you're looking for, run "top", the paste us the top 10 lines or so (with all the very top info)
