Web site builder for direct admin


Verified User
Apr 22, 2006
Miami Beach
I am in the early stages of building a site builder that uses standard html templates. it will have the ability to do a lot. is this something the DA community would be interested in? are there people out there that would be willing to help in the development? (after the initial launch,upgrades, bug fix etc)
would users prefer an application loaded on a remote server and an api to access or something loaded directly on your server?
Thanks for the input.
Presuming it works well and is competitively priced, I'd like it, but I'd want it to run on my own server and create standard code that could be moved anywhere so I'm (a) not using server resources to parse every call to the sites, and (b) not perceived of as holding clients hostage.

I am very interested in a site build for DirectAdmin. Also I agree with jlasman comments. What is important for me if I am going to offer a website builder to my customers, is this:

The application MUST work without problems in ALL major browsers, like IE8, IE9, Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

The end result with the webpages that was created by the site builder, must also display correct without problems in ALL major browsers, like IE8, IE9, Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

The end result with the webpages that was created by the site builder, should be identified by a HTML 5 docktype, and it should be valid HTML according to HTML documentation/recommendation from w3c.org - it is however fine if there is some errors when checking the pages in W3C HTML validator ( http://validator.w3.org/ ), but please try to keep the errors in HTML output to a minimum. The same goes for CSS, wich should be with a minimum of errors when checking the webpages in W3C CSS validator ( http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ )

The end result with the webpages visual design must not be formatted using HTML tables, HTML tables must only be used for presenting actual tabular data, not for layout of the visual design - for this it must use proper CSS.

Please try to not use flash for the end result webpages that is created.

The pricing must not be for each domain, but there must be a license for each server/ip. Also try to make the license check in such a way that it will continue to work if you stop providing the product in the future. Also it must be hosted on my on servers, and not on external servers out of my control.

I feel like I have forgot many things, but I think these are the most important for me. Good luck, and thanks!
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I would be interested if it works well and has a good selection of templates for customers to choose from. Good luck making it...seems like alot of work :)
So Far...

The site builder is based on the Tinymce wysiwyg editor, it is compatible with all browsers, it corrects code and uses html5
It is currently a stand alone product that would be installed on a domain.
My goal is to attempt to get it so it requires DA and have the DA community contribute in the future. It is being built from a few open source products and form what I have read, I have to release the end product as open source too.
I have no problem with this, but the reason I have spent the time and money is my favorite site builder, site zen, has been taken over by Cpanel, My support tickets asking as to their intentions re DA support in the future continue to go unanswered!
However, unlike Site Zen, My site builder will use standard templates like from template monster in addition, I am hoping to have a feature that allows you to open a project from the web, IE: import a site from a url and edit as you wish, then upload to your site. (good if you have a site built elsewhere and want to take control)
It will also have ftp and zip file output these can be turned off so it can output through the api only to users account with you.
@Nexxterra.com This sounds just great! Also, to me open source is a big advantage, with open source, I can more easy edit the code to fit our need, and also contribute back to you and other users. Open source also give a assurance that the product will continue to work in the future, even if you did not continue to develop it, because we can fix things our self.

I would guaranteed buy licenses for you site builder! Thread subscribed. :)
Also I like to say that if the site builder is released under open source, and is working great, I would be happy to pay up to 600$ for life time licenses for each server/ip. It would be worth it.
I am in the early stages of building a site builder that uses standard html templates. it will have the ability to do a lot. is this something the DA community would be interested in? are there people out there that would be willing to help in the development? (after the initial launch,upgrades, bug fix etc)
would users prefer an application loaded on a remote server and an api to access or something loaded directly on your server?
Thanks for the input.

I am interested in this also. Can we have a progress update please?
This thread is being left open to take comments; other similar threads have been closed with a note for visitors to post here.

Any progress update?
It looks like nexxterra.com is still using standard sitezen on his website.

Any progress update?
It looks like nexxterra.com is still using standard sitezen on his website.

I have some partially done files and other modules that have been placed on hold until I get some more money...
Until then check out http://kopage.com this is a spin off of site reptile
Report back here if it looks like it is usable.