Web Stat


Verified User
Oct 11, 2003
Couple of questions:

1) Is there a way to access web stats without loging in to DA?

Plesk users can do this by going to http://mydomain.com/webstat/
... does DA have a similar setup?

2) Webalizer creates a big html file for each stat page. Ive seen some as big as 150K. I've had this problem before with Cpanel where I had to constantly monitor and delete stat pages because it is hogging space.

Does DA count this stat pages as part of disk quota?
If it is, is there a way to better manage this Webalizer pages like autodelete old stat page?

1) You can create a symbolic link (if you have ssh) by typing
ln -s ../stats /home/username/domains/domain.com/public_html/webstat

if you don't have ssh, you can accomplish the same thing by creating a cgi file in your cgi-bin: makelink.sh
ln -s ../stats /home/username/domains/domain.com/public_html/webstat
Remember to chmod 755, then you can run it from domain.com/cgi-bin/makelink.sh (delete when done)

2) stats are owned by root and are not included in your total disk usage.

Please explain this a little better, where do I type this command. I need to give this type of access for a client that wants stats but doesn't want to login to DA to get them.

jmstacey said:
If you want to set it on a per domain basis, follow this:

If a User does not want to have to login to DirectAdmin each time he accesses his webstats, a symbolic link can be made to access webalizer through www.domain.com/webstats

cd /home/username/domains/domain.com/public_html
ln -s ../stats webstats

Where username is the name of the user, domain.com is the name of the domain and webstats is the name of the path you want to use through apache.

Thanks but I don't understand what you mean re the "name of the path you want to use through apache." Can you please give an example (also if a link could be placed to it on the website)?
The name you want to access the stats by..... For examle, in the example provided on the link I gave it used webalizer, therefore you would access the stats (using apache path) by going to www.yourdomain.com/webstats

If you changed it from webstats to say statistics then you would access the stats by going to yourdomain.com/statistics