webalizer: contries and referers


Verified User
Sep 11, 2004
Temecula, CA
sorry for the cross post and please delete my thread in general discussion.

here are my issues regarding webalizer:

1. Countries do not show.

I read to set "CountryGraph" to yes, but I"m not exactly sure on the way to do that.


I've read here to put a webalizer.conf file in the path above, but do I only put the parameters I want to modify in this file? Or do I need to have all the parameters in this file.

I hope I'm making sense. Am I even on the right track?

The second question is regarding referers. Is there anyway to exclude the domain from being on the referer list?
Honda XL80
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You are not alone :)

I have the same problem (countries do not show) but I didn't take time to solve this issue...

i read you can turn on reverse dns logging on apache, but it may use up a lot more resources of your sever.

alternatively there is a way to set webalizer to resolve the ips. it also caches the ips so it doesn't call the reverse lookup everytime if it sees the same ips.

i just need to know where the 'default' d.a. webalizer.conf is so i can just modify that one line.

directadmin support should be able to point me in the right direction, .. no?
It took me 6-mos and lots of research, many posts and emails to get the countries working. Finally figured out by the server co-manager. It now works but do not recall what the issue was but do know it was very minor.

Should not be so immensely difficult to solve such a simple issue. It also should work immidiately out of the box, and without any setup being needed. Why wouldn't it anyway? Who would want the countries data to not be visible on the chart?

Have noticed other issues too involving the need to set them up and it being tricky to do. Why not simply set up (upon default original installation) all the common features most of us want without all the time and effort being required?

Another problem I am having is webalizer is only reporting on traffic going direct to the index page and no reports as far as visits go to any of the many subpages. Anyone know why?
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