Webalizer doesn't update


Verified User
Dec 3, 2005
Hi All,
I've got a little problem. Webalizer on 1 of my servers isn't running anymore. I have built webalizer with custombuild but it wasn't already working before the upgrad.
I followed all the instructions in:
http://directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20906 (the reply of DA Support)

When I run the tally manually with:
echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d

I get a segmentation fault when it starts to update the first user. So the first user starts but finishes with a segmentation fault.

Someone have any ideas of how this can be fixed?

Here some output:
In debug mode
Debug set to level 10
root priv set: uid:0 gid:0 euid:0 egid:0
pidfile written
staring queue
Tally User andrew Begin
Segmentation fault

Thanks for any help.. :D
did you try?

If you want to use ./build webalizer, you must first run:

mv -f /usr/bin/webalizer /usr/bin/webalizer.moved

because ./build webalizer only runs if there is no previous binary.
Hi yea, I already knew that. I read that somewhere, but that's not the problem. It compiles OK but when executing the webalizer I get a segmentation fault and the stats do not get updates. :(
please post the exact error and all steps you have done... then we can help.
Well I thought I did give a pretty good description.. Anyways here a step by step:
1. renamed usr/bin/webalizer into usr/bin/webalizer.old
2. Went into my folder of custombuild v1.2
3. edited options.conf and set webalizer to yes
4. then ./build webalizer
5. Made sure webalizer is back into usr/bin
6. Tried to create the stats again
7. Got an error saying Segmentation fault
8. deleted webalizer again
9. renamed old webalizer.old back to webalizer
10. tried to create the stats again
11. got the same error on the old version of webalizer
12. Cleaned all my website stat logs without result
13. deleted all stats created by webalizer without result

The same error keeps coming back. Also tried to build webalizer manually without custombuild. Same error. So now I installed awstats which is working, but I would like webalizer too.. :D

By the way: after upgrading webalizer on my 2nd server it isn't working anymore either. Same error. :(
please post the exact error and all steps you have done... then we can help.

can you post the exact error you are getting word for word please and also where you are seeing this error.

Have you checked the logs to see if there are any other errors also?

How are you running the stats?
I found this on a seg fault with webalizer, but without knowing the exact error you are getting this is just guessing.

The problem occurs only if using a MangleAgent level of 1 and if some of the newer browsers that have multiple parens ('(' and ')') in their name access your site. The workaround is to use anything other than a value of 1 for the MangleAgent level like in the example above.
I used the following:
echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d

Next I got the message:
In debug mode
Debug set to level 10
root priv set: uid:0 gid:0 euid:0 egid:0
pidfile written
staring queue
Tally User andrew Begin
Segmentation fault

Doesn't seem I have a webalizer.conf file. However it worked just fine in the past.. :) And just read that DA doesn't use a webalizer.conf file (http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=27)
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