Webalizer error


Verified User
Jul 24, 2007
I am having an odd problem with webalizer. The first page of it where the summary is and is supposed to display usage.png, doesn't. I verified the file is there, and I even was able to view it.

The other problem is if I click on any of the months showing, it says "404", but if I refresh then it comes up.

This doesn't happen to all my users, just some.

Your help would be much appreciated.
More strangeness:

it works fine if I use the www.domain.com/stats, but not if I use the "site summary / statistics / logs"

I would really like to know what is going on, as even small errors annoy the heck out of me... ocd I guess.

Also, it only happens with some users, not all.

Anyone else experienced this?
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thats normal, there is somewhere in da to select about the stats and what not, im sure of it
More strangeness:

it works fine if I use the www.domain.com/stats, but not if I use the "site summary / statistics / logs"

I would really like to know what is going on, as even small errors annoy the heck out of me... ocd I guess.

Also, it only happens with some users, not all.

Anyone else experienced this?
If your Webalizer statistics are showing up at www.example.com/stats then someone has likely made a change to something; otherwise that link doesn't work. So the key will be to find out how made the change, and what that person did.

I make that link work by choosing in DA to make /stats publically available. I checked it in the hopes of giving it a kick and making it start working. It had no effect though. Problem persists. If I go to that website, works fine. But if I try to show the stats in DA, no luck.

I checked the permissions on the "logs" folder, and "stats" and for the accounts that work and the accounts that don't, the permissions are the same, so I doubt that is the problem

Is there a way to give this thing a kick, or get it to recalculate everything and rebuild?
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If it works from public stats, then it's working and there's no reason to rebuild it.

Where (from what URL) did you make the statistics publicly available? I ask before I don't see that option in any of my skins. Please post where you made the change (what URL and what button you clicked).


It works for me; after I create one I can still see the stats in the control panel.

I don't know why it doesn't for you.

I also don't know how to disable it from the control panel. I'd like to see (a) a change to the page, so if it's enabled there's some indication, and (b) a way to shut it off.

The webalizer in DA doesn't work, and I'd like it to. The strange thing is that it DOES work from some users, and NOT for others. The www.domaim.com/stats works for everyone.

I don't know what DA does differently then going to the page directly. It just doesn't seem right that some users can use it in DA and others can't.
This almost sounds like a drive failure if the same thing works sometimes, and not other times.
Check your /var/log/messages file for any I/O type errors.

All it is is a simple symbolic link in the public_html folder:
stats -> ../stats
and ../stat is chowned to the user and chmod to 755.

Check to see if the link is there.
Check to see if the folder is there.
Check it's contents for an index.html.

Note, that if viewing from within DA, if the contents of a file changes, you have to reload it (F5) as DA does not send files to you each request.. they're set to cache. (for image reasons). As for apache and domain.com/stats, it may be different.. but an F5 reload you're getting new/accurate data.

FYI, to delete the /stats link, go to the filemangaer and delete it. (the link.. *not* the stats folder)

Hmm... I guess I'm being unclear.

100% of the time it works if I go directly to the www.example.com/stats

100% of the time it works for some users in DA

100% of the time it does not work for remaining users in DA

P.S. I've tried the F5 thing about a bajillion times...

The link is there, I've deleted it and put it back (delete using "files" and put back un the webalizer page of DA)

I'll check the logs and see if anything is up indicating a drive failure, but since it is not intermittent, I doubt it... I think I just was being unclear. Sorry.
If it's not random, then it's probably not drive related.
Maybe also check the /var/log/httpd/error_log and /var/log/httpd/domains/domain.com.error.log for any possible permission/read errors by apache.

There were some errors, but I don't know what they mean...

[Tue Aug 14 00:12:44 2007] [error] [client ipaddr] File does not exist: /home/example/domains/example.com/public_html/robots.txt
[Tue Aug 14 00:57:49 2007] [error] [client ipaddr File does not exist: /home/example/domains/example.com/public_html/robots.txt
[Tue Aug 14 01:47:13 2007] [error] [client ipaddr File does not exist: /home/expample/domains/example.com/public_html/robots.txt
[Tue Aug 14 08:00:38 2007] [error] [client iparrd] File does not exist: /home/example/domains/exmaple.com/public_html/robots.txt
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If it matters, the time doesn't make much sense to me. I tried to run the webalizer at 8:38am, yet, all the errors were many hours before (except that last one which was about 38 minutes before, unless I am reading the times wrong). I checked the permissions, and they seem right.

That file, robots.txt doesn't exist. I looked for it.
DA Install script have a bug on install webalizer on FreeBSD 6
the binary is loaded into /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/package
but not copy to /usr/local/bin

#cp /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/package/webalizer /usr/local/bin
yep, have that file, and checked out that help file link you gave me, but I am not getting that error.

I'd really like the webalizer feature to function for all users of the control panel. I know it isn't a serious problem as you can just go to the /stats to get the info. The problem is that it just simply doesn't look good when you click on something in a control panel and it doesn't work. Just looks bad.

Sorry this is taking so long. I'd really appreciate some help on this one.