Webalizer - libpng12.so.0: no version information available


Verified User
Jan 12, 2012
I spent a few hours now on getting webalizer working. Webalizer isn't creating any stats: "You must wait for the stats to be computed. This will only happen *after* logs exist (domain must resolve and be used)."

I followed all the steps in the webalizer debug guide, everything seems to be fine. My task.queue is being processed, webalizer is at the right location, user list is created with the all the user's in it, etc. etc. etc. The only thing weird is this warning/error:

[root@xxx lib64]# /usr/bin/webalizer
/usr/bin/webalizer: /usr/local/lib/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/libgd.so.2)
Webalizer V2.21-02 (Linux 3.2.5 x86_64) English
Using logfile STDIN (clf)
Creating output in current directory
Hostname for reports is 'xxx'
History file not found...

Although, this doesn't seem to be a problem. When I process the stats manually it's running fine:

[root@xxx /]# webalizer -p -n domain.com -o /home/username/domains/domain.com/stats /var/log/httpd/domains/domain.com.log
webalizer: /usr/local/lib/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/libgd.so.2)
Webalizer V2.21-02 (Linux 3.2.5 x86_64) English
Using logfile /var/log/httpd/domains/domain.com.log (clf)
Creating output in /home/user/domains/domain.com/stats
Hostname for reports is 'domain.com'
History file not found...
Previous run data not found...
Saving current run data... [10/29/2012 10:23:47]
Generating report for October 2012
Saving history information...
Generating summary report
8 records in 1 seconds, 8/sec

Any ideas?
Its because you have a libpng in /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib you need to delete the one in /usr/local/lib and relink to the one in /usr/lib
Can you tell me what exact I need to relink?

Also, I don't see a libpng in /usr/lib:

[root@xxx usr]# ls /usr/lib
ConsoleKit        games          libltdl.so         mysql      sendmail
anaconda-runtime  gcc            libmysqlclient.so  pkgconfig  yum-plugins
apache            libiconv.so.2  libssl.so          python2.6
dovecot           libidn.so      locale             rpm
Maybe you dont. I just deleted libpng in /usr/local/lib and only have junk in /usr/lib64. I think that directadmin installs libpng stuff after the os installs it and webalizer gets confused. Just delete whatever you find in /usr/local/lib for libpng then you should be fine. I used to create symbolic links back to /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 but I guess I didnt on this last server and it didnt cause any problems that I know of. You may also be able to recompile webalizer and point the libs to /usr/lib64 or /usr/lib

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libpng*

[root@viper /usr/local/lib]# cd /usr/lib64/
[root@viper /usr/lib64]# ls -lah libpng*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 237K Apr 25  2012 libpng12.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   18 May 11 14:01 libpng12.so -> libpng12.so.0.10.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   18 May 11 14:00 libpng12.so.0 -> libpng12.so.0.10.0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 144K Apr 25  2012 libpng12.so.0.10.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   10 May 11 14:01 libpng.a -> libpng12.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   11 May 11 14:01 libpng.so -> libpng12.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   16 May 11 14:00 libpng.so.3 -> libpng.so.3.10.0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 157K Apr 25  2012 libpng.so.3.10.0
[root@viper /usr/lib64]# cd /usr/lib
[root@viper /usr/lib]# ls -lah libpng*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 189K Apr 25  2012 libpng12.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   18 May 11 14:01 libpng12.so -> libpng12.so.0.10.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   18 May 11 14:01 libpng12.so.0 -> libpng12.so.0.10.0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 150K Apr 25  2012 libpng12.so.0.10.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   10 May 11 14:01 libpng.a -> libpng12.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   11 May 11 14:01 libpng.so -> libpng12.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   16 May 11 14:01 libpng.so.3 -> libpng.so.3.10.0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 159K Apr 25  2012 libpng.so.3.10.0
[root@viper /usr/lib]# cd /usr/local/lib
[root@viper /usr/local/lib]# ls -lah libpng*
ls: libpng*: No such file or directory
[root@viper /usr/local/lib]#
Last edited:
Thanks for your afford! Just deleted everything of libpng in /usr/local/lib/ and now webalizer ran without any warning. I'll wait the nightly tally to see if it now process the log's. I'll keep you posted!
I'm getting pretty frustrated right now. Webalizer runs fine:

[root@xxx /]# webalizer
Webalizer V2.21-02 (Linux 3.2.5 x86_64) English
Using logfile STDIN (clf)
Creating output in current directory
Hostname for reports is 'xxx'
History file not found...

But I still don't get any statistics generated. My tallylog is empty, and this is what's in the systemlog (is it normal httpd restart after doing a tally?):

2012:10:31-01:17:02: Tally All Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally Reseller reselmick Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally User afwgwgeg Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally User afwgwgeg Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally User wefweg Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally User wefweg Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally User reselmick Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally User reselmick Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally Reseller reselmick Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally Reseller richard Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:03: Tally User richard Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:04: Tally User richard Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:04: Tally Reseller richard Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:04: Tally Reseller admin Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:04: Tally User acupunct Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:04: Tally User acupunct Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:04: Tally User annemari Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:05: Tally User annemari Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:05: Tally User apprevie Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:05: Tally User apprevie Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:05: Tally User bakup Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:05: Tally User bakup Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:05: Tally User cloud9 Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:07: Tally User cloud9 Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:07: Tally User daan Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:07: Tally User daan Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:07: Tally User dev Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:33: Tally User dev Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:33: Tally User flexplek Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:34: Tally User flexplek Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:34: Tally User helixclan Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:35: Tally User helixclan Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:35: Tally User hickfoto Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:36: Tally User hickfoto Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:36: Tally User ispverge Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:37: Tally User ispverge Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:37: Tally User jan Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:38: Tally User jan Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:38: Tally User jorisver Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:39: Tally User jorisver Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:39: Tally User kortstra Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:41: Tally User kortstra Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:41: Tally User loterij Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:47: Tally User loterij Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:47: Tally User marijnko Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:47: Tally User marijnko Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:47: Tally User martijnftp Begin
2012:10:31-01:17:48: Tally User martijnftp Complete
2012:10:31-01:17:48: Tally User michiel Begin
2012:10:31-01:18:03: Tally User michiel Complete
2012:10:31-01:18:03: Tally User mick Begin
2012:10:31-01:18:08: Tally User mick Complete
2012:10:31-01:18:08: Tally User mobielgame Begin
2012:10:31-01:18:14: Tally User mobielgame Complete
2012:10:31-01:18:14: Tally User nlpba Begin
2012:10:31-01:18:44: Tally User nlpba Complete
2012:10:31-01:18:44: Tally User nodots Begin
2012:10:31-01:19:55: Tally User nodots Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:55: Tally User oortje Begin
2012:10:31-01:19:56: Tally User oortje Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:56: Tally User quindigo Begin
2012:10:31-01:19:56: Tally User quindigo Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:56: Tally User qxnewsnl Begin
2012:10:31-01:19:56: Tally User qxnewsnl Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:56: Tally User rekbareb Begin
2012:10:31-01:19:57: Tally User rekbareb Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:57: Tally User xeliumnl Begin
2012:10:31-01:19:57: Tally User xeliumnl Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:57: Tally User admin Begin
2012:10:31-01:19:58: Tally User admin Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:58: Tally Reseller admin Complete
2012:10:31-01:19:58: Tally All Complete
2012:10:31-01:20:05: httpd restarted

It should all work and I can't find a single error message. Has anyone, any idea what the hell is wrong?

As per tip #8 from the debug guide, what do you get when you run this command (replace values with correct ones):
webalizer -p -n [b]domain.com[/b] -o /home/[b]username[/b]/domains/[b]domain.com[/b]/stats /var/log/httpd/domains/[b]domain.com[/b].log
Also tip #3, where you'd check the contents of:

to ensure that stats are being logged to these files.

Don't worry about the "no version information available" messages those are just library warnings, but shouldn't hurt any functionality.

Lastly, ensure that it's actually turned on:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin c | grep webalizer
If it's off, nothing will happen.


FYI, the email we received didn't have a valid return email address for the From header, so I wasn't able to reply to the E-Mail (the actual sender value gets lost when forwarded to me from Mark)

As per tip #8 from the debug guide, what do you get when you run this command (replace values with correct ones):
webalizer -p -n [b]domain.com[/b] -o /home/[b]username[/b]/domains/[b]domain.com[/b]/stats /var/log/httpd/domains/[b]domain.com[/b].log
Also tip #3, where you'd check the contents of:

to ensure that stats are being logged to these files.

Don't worry about the "no version information available" messages those are just library warnings, but shouldn't hurt any functionality.

Lastly, ensure that it's actually turned on:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin c | grep webalizer
If it's off, nothing will happen.


FYI, the email we received didn't have a valid return email address for the From header, so I wasn't able to reply to the E-Mail (the actual sender value gets lost when forwarded to me from Mark)

Hi John,

Thanks for taking time to response.

As I mentioned in my first post when I run webalizer manually as mentioned in tip #8 is works fine:

[root@xxx domains]# webalizer -p -n mydomainname.nl -o /home/marijn/domains/mydomainname.nl/stats /var/log/httpd/domains/mydomainname.nl.log
Webalizer V2.21-02 (Linux 3.2.5 x86_64) English
Using logfile /var/log/httpd/domains/nodots.nl.log (clf)
Creating output in /home/nodots/domains/mydomainname.nl/stats
Hostname for reports is 'mydomainname.nl'
Reading history file... webalizer.hist
Reading previous run data.. webalizer.current
Saving current run data... [10/31/2012 09:35:06]
Generating report for October 2012
Saving history information...
Generating summary report
7 records in 1 seconds, 7/sec

I replaced the domain with 'mydomainname' in this post.

Next, tip #3, the logs are in '/var/log/httpd/domains/domain.com.log' (not /var/log/httpd/domain.com.log as you mentioned in this post, but it is the] location mentioned in tip #3).

I ran the command to ensure webalizer was on; it wasn't. One of my employees was so stupid to turn it off without making a note of it.

[root@xxx directadmin]# ./directadmin c | grep webalizer

I tuned it on again, restarted directadmin, and now it returns webalizer is on.

[root@xxx directadmin]# ./directadmin c | grep webalizer

However, it still doesn't generate any reports..

About my e-mail, I'm not sure what you're telling me. Did my mailserver didn't sent any header's with the e-mail or are the headers lost by forwarding it between Mark and you and is it not my fault?

So, summarized:

- Webalizer run fine manually and generate reports
- The logs are in the correct spot
- Webalizer was turned of, I turned it on and restarted DirectAdmin but it still doesn't work.
- About my e-mail, I'm not sure what you're telling me. Did my mailserver didn't sent any header's with the e-mail or are the headers lost by forwarding it between Mark and you and is it not my fault?
I just rebooted my whole server, and now it seems to work fine! Turning on webalizer was the solution; maybe that could tip #10 ;)? Two last questions:

- The question that I mentioned in my previous post about the e-mail
- I've extracted some rotated logs because I want to have a look at some statistics of 26 October. So I put the logs into the user-folder and ran webalizer manually. I looked into the log and there is content in it. Weird enough, it ignores all the rows of this log:

[root@xxx marijn]# webalizer -p -n randomdomain.nl -o /home/marijn/domains/randomdomain.nl/stats /home/marijn/manual_logs/randomdomain.nl.log.1
Webalizer V2.21-02 (Linux 3.2.5 x86_64) English
Using logfile /home/marijn/manual_logs/randomdomain.nl.log.1 (clf)
Creating output in /home/marijn/domains/randomdomain.nl/stats
Hostname for reports is 'randomdomain.nl'
Reading history file... webalizer.hist
Reading previous run data.. webalizer.current
Generating summary report
18 records (18 ignored) in 1 seconds, 18/sec

This is happening to every rotated log for every domain. Do you have any idea?

Thanks for all your effort, I really appreciate it.
Webalizer keeps track of where it is in logs, and won't re-examine logs prior to that point. I'm not certain, but it may do it by date/time.

I'm not sure if there's a way around this feature; check Weblizer documentation.

For anyone who would like to fix "libpng12.so.0: no version information available":
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build libpng
How exactly is that going to fix it? Does it install to /usr/lib instead of /usr/local/lib ?
How exactly is that going to fix it? Does it install to /usr/lib instead of /usr/local/lib ?

It does not (/usr/local/lib is used). However, CB uses a new method for installation of libpng that solves the problem (CB 1.1.41, 1.2.36, 2.0.0-beta4).
It does not (/usr/local/lib is used). However, CB uses a new method for installation of libpng that solves the problem (CB 1.1.41, 1.2.36, 2.0.0-beta4).

I am running custombuild 1.2.36. I am not using Webalizer, I only have AWStats installed. Should I recompile libpng in custombuild or not? You say this commands:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build libpng

However I am uncertain if there is also needed to recompile php or apache or other after I recompile libpng, is it needed to recompile anything else after libpng?

Also, when you make changes to existing installs in custombuild, why is this not posted to Directadmin mailing list? How are we supposed to get to know about it?
It would be nice with version output for libraries in custombuild. In meantime it would be nice if information like this was posted in "Required Software Version Updates" at http://www.directadmin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=64

Is this all that really is needed?:
./build update
./build libpng
Or should other software like Apache or PHP be recompiled after I recompile libpng?
It would be nice with version output for libraries in custombuild. In meantime it would be nice if information like this was posted in "Required Software Version Updates" at http://www.directadmin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=64

Is this all that really is needed?:
./build update
./build libpng
Or should other software like Apache or PHP be recompiled after I recompile libpng?

To solve the "warning" problem it's enough just to run "./build libpng". PHP recompilation could be done after an update of libpng (but not needed if you reinstall the same version) and it has nothing to do with Apache. I hope that all of your questions got answered now. Thank you.