Webalizer not running on a couple of new servers


Verified User
Aug 2, 2003
The South
Gettin a few tickets about weblizer stats not being available yet and when I checked not a single domain has webalizer stats on them yet, webalizer binary is there, /etc/webalizer.conf is renamed, so I'm not sure what's up now.


Ok here's the problem:

[root@da12 directadmin]# /usr/bin/webalizer -p -n bobscola.com -o /home/bausti1/domains/bobscola.com/stats /var/log/httpd/domains/bobscola.com.log
/usr/bin/webalizer: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.1.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Aha libdg.so.1.8 not found, so a quick search on the server it is working on shows it's part of gd-1.8.4-11.i386.rpm and lo and behold that rpm is not installed on either of my new servers so installed it and reran:

[root@da12 directadmin]# /usr/bin/webalizer -p -n bobscola.com -o /home/bausti1/domains/bobscola.com/stats /var/log/httpd/domains/bobscola.com.log
Webalizer V2.01-10 (Linux 2.4.20-20.9smp) English
Using logfile /var/log/httpd/domains/bobscola.com.log (clf)
Creating output in /home/bausti1/domains/bobscola.com/stats
Hostname for reports is 'bobscola.com'
History file not found...
Previous run data not found...
Saving current run data... [10/19/2003 22:18:28]
Generating report for October 2003
Generating summary report
Saving history information...
1952 records in 0.25 seconds
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