Webalizer problems


Verified User
May 10, 2006
The Netherlands
Dear readers

I installed a fresh installation of directadmin on a centos 4.2 what always worked so far.

What i did i transferd users from a freebsd directadmin combination to this new server and had ALOT of problems due to that freebsd and directadmin dont mix in my experience with the backup and restore function.

After i fixed the websites and the email i still have some trouble with webalizer.

The cron runs everyminute however the webalizer update only happens ones a day and sometimes not at all for the users that i moved .

I tried the update per user and that works but as i am quit busy i cant`t do that every minute.

Anyone got any idea where to look or maybe had the same problem.
And just for myself webalizer should update every minute ?

sysadmin in need

ps : sorry for this newbie post i posted it on the wrong thread
Transix? - From the Netherlands?

Uhhm, Webalizer runs every time the daily tally is ran, normally 0:10 am. Note: you can modify the time and amount of times the daily tally will run, however doing it every minute will kill your server. (Not to mention DA)

If it hasn't been done by the daily tally, there should be logs in your /var/log/directadmin directory, something like dataskqerror.log or something.
Yupe the same one

Thanks for the reply i thought the webalizer was done every minute or 5 but if its only every day that explains alot.
2 things;

1. Could you kick Robin in the a** and ask him to mail Sebastian from Sebsoft. He will know what it's about.

2. You can change it by editing the /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron file.
It's the following line:
10 0 * * * root echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

Robin has left he doesnt work here any more since 2 weeks. Mail me on support at trans-ix dot nl if we need to find something out .
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