webalizer vs Awstats


Verified User
May 26, 2004
Can someone tell me which is faster at processing a lot of logs?

I ask because I also have Urchin on my servers and plan to charge $5 a month for anyone who wants Urchin stats. I don't want to offer awstats(free of course) if it is more of a resource hog then webalizer.
Awstats has a lot higher load, because it's way more advanced than webalizer. If you downsize it's features from within the configs and run it in a daily cron it is fast enough to not notice the difference ;)
If I recall, your plugin installs the binary per user right, not server wide?
Also can this be disabled by the admin and/or reseller in case you only want to offer it with certain hosting plans?
Binary isn't installed server-wide, but it is symbolic linked for every account or at least accessible for every account.

On this moment the plugin isn't able to allow or reject certain users.

How can you do this manualy:

- Delete the user_txt in the hooks dir of the plugin, so no one will be able to access it and generate a per user account manualy :p or do it server-wide and delete the user's awstats dir for whom shouldn't be able to access it.

This will not be implemented in the plugin on later stages. Why ? Any user can easy install it on his her account in the cgi-bin dir.

If you disable CGI-BIN access for the user he/she probaly shouldn't be able to access it. The plugin is installed the same way a user can do with his her hosting account. Only the config files are located centraly.
1. Ok so there is only one binary to update when awstats releases an update correct?
This would be the best way.

2. "This will not be implemented in the plugin on later stages. Why ? Any user can easy install it on his her account in the cgi-bin dir."

I don't understand the above? Of course a user with cgi rights can install anything, but that does not mean they will or have the slightest idea how? I have users that install Matt's Form Mail everyday, and I have a script that seeks these installs out and deletes them on a daily basis because we forbid the use of it.

I don't understand the philosophical point of not allowing the admin/reseller choose what hosting plan has awstats or not. Unless this is very hard to do. Considering Installatron works in this fashion, I'm sure Ld0rphi would know much to help have this implemented. Maybe I am way off base :)
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I believe installatron uses users and groups to define who has access to install what applications. (Might be wrong)

I haven't experimented with this yet but this is the way I would do it. Iff I can add php code to the user_txt.html file that will run when the user level page is run in DA, then I would just put a binary file somewhere in the plugins directory with a list of all users that can access the plugin (or specific parts) Then the php script would run through the small database of usernames and compare them to the active username and if he's not in the list it won't show the link to the plugin. And for extra protection I would probably put this check script in every file of consequence incase you have some above average clients.
In my opinion this is a cleaner way of doing rights management without having to use a group based system.
It is basically the way most user based scripts do it, such as phpbb except that instead of using a mySQL database as the backend to store user information, a simple binary file would be used. Using binary files as a backend for php is extremely faster that mysql when the binary file will be small like this. An added benefit is you won't have to create a database for the plugin.