WebGui 6.x and DA


New member
May 31, 2006
I am trying to get WebGUI (http://www.plainblack.com/webgui) running on a RedHat9 VPS with DirectAdmin.

Has anyone tried any of the latest WG versions togeher with a DA setup? It seems like WG is aimed at Apache2 + mod_perl2. Upgrading to DA:s Apache2 leaves me with mod_perl/1.99_17-dev though.

Some experiments with preload.perl and the results in the apache error_log:
preload.perl: use ModPerl::Registry (); # Uncomment this for use with mod_perl 2.0
error_log: [error] Can't locate ModPerl/Registry.pm

preload.perl: use Apache::Registry (); # Uncomment this for use with mod_perl 1.0
error_log: [error] Can't locate loadable object for module Apache::Constants

WG also seems to require mod_apreq2 which does not exist in the DA default installation (at least not in my current setup), and when trying to install it (through cpan or building manually) I get the following:
build/version_check.pl failed: no version_string found in '' for 'apache2'. configure: error: Bad apache2 binary (/)

Could also add that
1. my experience of CPAN, mod_perl and building staff in general, is quite limited. It's possible that I have broken something regarding mod_perl a little without knowing about it
2. I have a degree of free support from the hosting company on the basic software packages, and therefore I had them upgrade Apache to v2. If they messed something up when doing that, i wouldn't know about it

Anyway, my goal is to get WebGUI running somehow. Is it possible at all to install it (preferable WG 6.99, otherwise some other 6.x release) and still have a working DA setup.

As an alternative I'm thinking of setting up another copy of Apache exclusively för WG (Apache2, mod_perl 2.0.2, same machine, same IP, different port). Are there any HOWTOs out there on this? Anything special to think about regarding DA ?

Will DA btw support mod_perl 2.0.2 anytime soon?

Thanks in advance for any information that can be of interest!
// Tom
I don't know anything about WebGui 6; but in general DA doesn't care or not care about modules, you can add any you want, but you have to follow the instructions for adding them, including the references you need to put into httpd.conf.
