Webhost billing software needed.


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
Ok I know I know, this is a dead horse that gets beaten over and over again in this forum. However after spending hours at a time looking over hundreds of posts, I'm still a bit in the dark about what application may meet my needs. Currently I am needing the following:

1.) Billing that is integrated into DA in some form. Something that can read my packages/clients/users and then bill accordingly. So if a user goes over their bandwidth limit, they automatically get billed for the overuse at the set rate.

2.) It will need to handle billing for non-DA things. Something that allows for adding hosting related services/products, that aren't included in DA such as website coding or manual labor for helping setup software.

3.) It must have or will have in the future the ability to integrate into my website so that *ALL* of my customers, hosting customers AND face to face clients can have a general area to log into and access their information/services.

4.) Accept payments from PayPal, Credit Cards, checks, money orders, etc. I want to have the option to electronically bill the customer so it's billed to their credit card each month... or if they chose to paperbill them and then accept a check and update that on the software.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
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Thanks, I'm testing it, it seems overwhelming, but so far, so good.