webmail and email on server A, www on server B ? HOW?


Verified User
Aug 26, 2011
now i have a question if you can help me with?

now i have 2 servers, on server A i have DNS and email, on server B i have WWW
everiting works superb.... BUT
how can i make that webmail will be used on server A not server B?

becouse now i have like this

and of corse it shows up webmail from server B /where the A record for WWW show to
how can i manage this, so that it will show up webmail from serebver A where email and DNS is?
Are both servers running DirectAdmin? Please check http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=8. For /webmail you may use redirects to the 2nd server (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_alias.html).

mx records i have already set... the mails are working ok...
now im strugling with proper redirection....

i want to make redirect for all domains

for now i have manage to make redirection for 1 doman like this

Redirect /webmail http://webmail.mydomain.com/webmail/

but how can i make for all domains?

Redirect (alldomains)/webmail http://webmail.(alldomains)/webmail