Webmail bugs ?


Verified User
Feb 8, 2008
Hallo, I experienced some problems first with Uebimiao, then with Roundcube.

1) Uebimiao seems not to recognize some file extentions such as .docs or .xls so it delivers file with no extention, or even more, it changes it es. .docs file (word file of an headed page) to .jpg.
It seems to happen with office 2007 files.

2) I moved to Roundcube but it shows .pdf files to a tiny frame of a new window so it cannot be enlarged and viewed bigger.
Sometimes Roundcube gives errors when opening .pdf files, the other webmail systems not!

I have some clients using mainly webmail. For the very first time I have come accross these problems, so I would like to realize what is going on.

Please help me!
thanks in advance