Webmail Filter?


Verified User
Jun 15, 2004
I desperately need a filter plugin for Squirrel Mail. I cannot move my users from the Openwebmail on the RAQ550 tell I have one. Many of our users use the filters in Openwebmail to manage there email extensively. Has anyone gotten one to work on the Directadmin box? The ones I have seen require Procmail and I do not imagine that will be easy to install either.


Why cant Directadmin include such a basic feature out of the box?

I've tried to figure out what the pre-installed (with the DA Squirrelmail) filters does - do they filter on the server, or do you have to log in to Squirrelmail to filter?

You can enable these filters by going through the setup of your squirrelmail (a Perl program in your squirrelmail directory). I did, they look good, but I don't know how they work.
hci said:

Why cant Directadmin include such a basic feature out of the box?
I don't have time to look at this right now, but perhaps you can help me a bit...

Does Squirrelmail use procmail as part of the initial mailbox deliver (so that the plugins work for all incoming email whether it's read by squirrelmail or not)? Or does it use procmail just for delivery within Squirrelmail as the user logs in to Squirrelmail?

If the latter, then there's no reason you can't install procmail and use it for that; you just can't use it from inside exim.conf.

I don't have time to look at this right now, but perhaps you can help me a bit...

Does Squirrelmail use procmail as part of the initial mailbox deliver (so that the plugins work for all incoming email whether it's read by squirrelmail or not)? Or does it use procmail just for delivery within Squirrelmail as the user logs in to Squirrelmail?

If the latter, then there's no reason you can't install procmail and use it for that; you just can't use it from inside exim.conf...

I don't beleive Squirrelmail uses Procmail at all. The filtering plugins for Squirrelmail require Procmail or Maildrop. My understanding is that if Procmail is used the filters will be applied when the message arrives. On webmail packages such as Openwebmail the filters are only applied when the user logs in since Procmail is not used. I don't much care when the rules are applied I just need some filters so end users can sort there email such as mailing lists and SPAM into seperate folders.

I searched the forum and have not found any info on getting Procmail running on a Directadmin box. I heard procmail is already in the Directadmin distribution but not installed.

hci said:
My understanding is that if Procmail is used the filters will be applied when the message arrives.
That doesn't make much sense; if it's true than either a second copy is sent to Squirrelmail, besides the one in your inbox, or else the filters will work for any client, even if the user logs in through pop.

I'd suggest writing the author of one of the plugins you want to use and ask if it can use a separate install of procmail.
I searched the forum and have not found any info on getting Procmail running on a Directadmin box. I heard procmail is already in the Directadmin distribution but not installed.
Procmail may be installed by your distribution; I don't believe it's part of DA.

And certainly it can be installed and not called by exim, so exim not using it isn't a show-stopper if squirrelmail can use procmail independently of the original delivery. But I believe that then the filters would have to work on login.

I found this:


I see they added this to the "TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION".

driver = pipe
command = "/usr/bin/procmail -d ${local_part}"
check_string = "From "
escape_string = ">From "
user = $local_part
group = mail

Can I just add that to the transports configuration in my exim.conf? If so exactly what part?

You can enable these filters by going through the setup of your squirrelmail (a Perl program in your squirrelmail directory). I did, they look good, but I don't know how they work.

Nevermind all this.

perl /var/www/html/squirrelmail-1.4.2/config/conf.pl

Allowed me to install and turn on the filter pluggin. Thought it required Procmail but maybe not. Feel like a dummy.


hci said:
Can I just add that to the transports configuration in my exim.conf? If so exactly what part?
Though you don't need this now, someone might in the future, so I figured I'd add...

Yes, you can add it anywhere under the other transports, but adding it won't do a bit of good if it's not called.

If you're not going to call it there's no reason to add it.
