Webmail show 502 Bad Gateway nginx


Verified User
Jun 8, 2013
i switched two of our server to newly appeared "nginx_apache" option ( nginx as a proxy for apache)
every things seems to work fine ( except password protected directories that seems rewrite_confs dont set the, up correctly in config files )

but today i have another problem that im not noticed before
in webmail path

for example http://domain.com/squirrelmail/
give following error in browser

502 Bad Gateway

and this error in nginx log

014/03/02 01:14:50 [crit] 5825#0: *47983 connect() to unix:/usr/local/php54/sockets/webapps.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client: 188.x.x.x., server: domain.com, request: "GET /roundcube/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/usr/local/php54/sockets/webapps.sock:", host: "doamin.com"

i changed webapp configuration in
File: /etc/nginx/webapps_settings.conf
fastcgi_pass unix:/usr/local/php53/sockets/webapps.sock;

but i get following error

2014/03/05 11:12:07 [crit] 27841#0: *1393 connect() to unix:/usr/local/php53/sockets/webapps.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream, client: 128..x.x.x, server: domain.com, request: "GET /squirrelmail/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/usr/local/php53/sockets/webapps.sock:", host:domain.com "

i have other permission issue on this server that i challenging with them
i have installed a new server and attached hard disk that have /home partion to new configured server

i also tried
for my permission issu but no hope !
im using php-fpm v 5.3 on this server

1) Please note, that nginx_apache is very new, not even ready for testing.
If it's a production box, I couldn't recommend it quite yet.
I've changed the note in the options.conf to mention the alpha version to avoid confusion.

2) Also make sure you've got the latest pre-release packages, as it needs new templates for this (I wasn't able to duplicate the gateway error with SquirrelMail using the most recent version of everything)

3) Regarding the password protected directories, also tested this on our test box.. they seem to be working.
This may be related to old templates being used.. let us know either way.

2) Correction, I was able to duplicate the gateway issue.
Martynas tells me it might be a missing proxy_pass in the templates.

Again, we're not done implementing it, so I wouldn't recommend using it yet.