webserver is functioning normally


Verified User
Feb 14, 2023

I was using OLS and LSPHP for some time now and decided to switch to nginx+apache. I did all steps correctly as shown in the docs, but now all my websites are down and all certificates are gone.

What do I do?
What steps have you done? You must recompile nginx+apache, remove OLS, recompile PHP as php-fpm, rewrite all confs.
Did all that.
I have reverted everything back to OLS and LSPHP with this:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set webserver openlitespeed
./build set mod_ruid2 no
./build set php1_mode lsphp
./build set php2_mode lsphp
./build set php3_mode lsphp
./build set php4_mode lsphp
./build openlitespeed
./build php n
./build rewrite_confs

But everything is still down and only displays"webserver is functioning normally"
Ok, I have fixed the issue.
I just ran
./build openlitespeed
./build rewrite_confs

again and everything is back up again.
"webserver is functioning normally" - means there is no virtualhost listening this port for this domain. Maybe something wrong with templates, maybe some custom templates etc.
were you able to fix this? I started having the same problem and even though I restored from past backups, it doesn't fix it. I delete the user and create it again, but it doesn't work. I switched to Apache and it didn't fix it. I reinstalled openlitespeed and it didn't work.