Website Dont Work - Help-


Verified User
Dec 28, 2005
Domainame Dont Work - Help-

Dear Guys,

I made a few days ago an account: I set the site up.
It works but yerterday in the morning i saw the apache site. I did everythinh to get the website back but no succes.

I remove the account and create one. I set the filet back from backup. It works.... Buw this moning again the same problem. It show the apache site. just look:

I can see website from IP:

The ns1 and ns2 are correct and all files are on the server.. Why i am getting this problem.

Can someona help me..
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I'm also having the same problem, but when i try to acces my site via the www address it shows me "Server not found". I'm guessing it's something with the domain or dunno...
My problem is gone, mailed my hosting company and they sorted it out... I believe it was something they had to do... and didn't; no ideea what.
