welcome email nameserver


New member
Jun 25, 2008
When I installed DA originally I mistyped the domain part of the hostname. The welcome email was still sending out nameservers based on the incorrect domain... I changed then in the nameservers in the Admin Setting page, but it's not pulling those for the email... I fixed it by editing the welcome email template and putting in the literals I want, but I'd like to fix it for real. Where is this setting stored since it's not the ones listed in the admin settings page?

TIA, Rob
Just looked... the dns zone info is wrong too.

Which begs the question... what is the admin settings page nameserver fields used for??

The Admin Settings ns1/ns2 values are used as the "master" values.. they'll be what's handed out to new Admins and new Resellers, to be stored as the default in their accounts once created.

They're also used for "virtual" ns1/ns2 values when created at the Reseller Level -> Nameservers. The IPs that these 2 Admin Settings values resolve to will be what the new virtual ns1/ns2 values will use.

Anyway, if there was a typo at setup, then the "admin" User will have these values stored in his Reseller Level section.
Go to:
Reseller Level -> Nameservers

and set the ns1/ns2 values (bottom) how you wish.
These are the values used to give to new Users.
The values in the welcome email are whatever the User has.. which will be taken from Reseller Level -> Nameservers -> ns1/ns2.
