Welcome letter doesnt send


Verified User
Apr 12, 2005

This use to work but doesnt anymore.

When I create a new user acct and send them the welcome letter, it says it sent in successfully but it doesn't get to the end user. I sent multiple welcome letters to mulitple accts and no one gets them but it says it sent them.

I restarted DA but no success.

I decided to create another reseller account to test and the welcome letter for the new resller test account went out and I got it successfully.

I than logged in as the test reseller and added a new test user/client and sent them a welcome letter. Again this was unsuccessful.

It does not send the welcome letters although it says it does.

It does dsend the welcome letter to the new reseller accounts.

Please help, the company thats charging me monthly to use DA will not support it.....

Im at yahoo chat rainner468

or email at [email protected]

or [email protected]

thanks anyone !
Several of us have experienced this issue with jlasman's exim.conf script.

It's discussed here: http://www.directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7420

I've attached a much older exim.conf file, that does work - tho it's not optimized for use (however it works for us). Rename your current exim.conf to exim.conf.bak and save this as /etc/exim.conf - then restart exim - it should work

You might also want to upgrade Exim to the latest version.

Are you the server admin, or just a reseller?


Please help, the company thats charging me monthly to use DA will not support it.....

Your server provider (Bocacom) does not provide managed servers - and I dont frankly believe they "wont" support it - they more than likely haven't seen the issue before and suggested you check here.

Your provider is one of the best DA authorized providers for dedicated servers... if you had asked in their forums, or asked if they could recommend someone, I'm sure they would have given you some contact information.
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Thank you for the input and help on this, I will give it a try.

NOTE: I never mentioned a company, I don't believe in flaming. Maybe you should edit that post and take that name out, who ever it is ;)

but since you decided to interject, heres a quote from whomever

"DA is not our product, so we can only support configuration issues with it. The DA website is www.directadmin.com. There is a forum link at the top right."

Thanks again for your help :)

hostpc.com said:
Several of us have experienced this issue with jlasman's exim.conf script.

Rename your current exim.conf to exim.conf.bak and save this as /etc/exim.conf - then restart exim - it should work

How do I restart this?

Hi Joe,

I copied the file into /etc replacing the original, set the permissions the same and restarted it but still no success.

What do you think?


Have you checked in /var/log/exim/mainlog or /var/log/exim/rejectlog? Are the mails even getting into the exim queue or are they not being sent by DA? Anything interesting in the directadmin logs?
ballyn said:
Have you checked in /var/log/exim/mainlog or /var/log/exim/rejectlog? Are the mails even getting into the exim queue or are they not being sent by DA? Anything interesting in the directadmin logs?

Looked inthe the exim mainlog, nothing that shows about the mail I'm trying to send, also checked hte rejectlog, nothing.

Also looked into the /dirctadmin/2005-Apr-12.log (the daily log) and nothing again shows. *sigh Also checked hte error.log in this dir, nothing still.

QUESTION: Where is the exim queue located?


man exim
tells me that
exim -bp
requests a listing of the contents of the mail queue on the standard output.
ballyn said:
man exim
tells me that
exim -bp
requests a listing of the contents of the mail queue on the standard output.

Thank you... It shows all the mail that wasn't going out is ***frozen***

I don't know what it means or how to fix it but at least we got something to go on. Any other input?


DirectAdmin Support said:

If after you get 1.23.5 you experience welcome message problems, update your exim.conf and exim.pl by following these steps:



I've followed the link and updated exim.conf and exim.pl as per the instructions but still my welcome letters are not sent out.

If I send them to a domain/email I'm hosting, they do go out, but if I send the welcome letter to any other server outside my network, it won't send them.

Other suggestions?


If they're getting to the exim queue, the exim log will have a record of the mail and why it is freezing them. This is usually due to unrouteable addresses, bad MX records or unverified senders.

Check your mainlog again and see what exim is saying about the messages it's freezing.
ballyn said:
If they're getting to the exim queue, the exim log will have a record of the mail and why it is freezing them. This is usually due to unrouteable addresses, bad MX records or unverified senders.

Check your mainlog again and see what exim is saying about the messages it's freezing.

Funny thing is that it worked fine for a few months, I didn't change anything but add a new customer.

Heres the 3 lines of my mainlog pertaining to a mail that didn't go out and reach the end user mail acct:
2005-04-13 17:09:49 1DLp7N-0000xk-QO <= [email protected] U=spinstream P=local S=1774 T="Your account for newrealmradio.com is now ready for use." from <[email protected]> for [email protected]

2005-04-13 17:09:50 1DLp7N-0000xk-QO => [email protected] F=<[email protected]> R=mx3.mail.yahoo.com [64.156.21lookuphost T=remote_smtp S=1848 H=5.18] C="250 ok dirdel"

2005-04-13 17:09:50 1DLp7N-0000xk-QO Completed

I don't see anything that looks like a red flag.

Also I was given instructions to update the exim.conf and exim.pl here http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=51 which I did complete successfully but still no go.

NOTE: I thought this might have been over looked but I can create a new reseller test account and send it to the same mail addy and it works fine. I create a user account and use the same addy and it doesn't.

any other suggestions?

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hostpc.com said:
Several of us have experienced this issue with jlasman's exim.conf script.
It has nothing to do with the spamblocker exim.conf script.

It has something to do with the changes to the script made recently by DA staff.

In fact, one way to fix it is to reinstall version 1.2 of the Spamblocker script; it can be found in the archive at my NoBaloney.Net download center at:


But note that installing that version breaks SpamAssassin by user. The skin will still show it but it won't work.

So I suggest doing this at your own risk.

We will write a new version of the exim.conf file that will solve all recent problems working with the new exim.pl file, once the next update of DA is released.

We still hold upgrade from 1.23.4 to 1.23.5 because of this issue.

John, when you have real fix for this issue so we can upgrade to v1.23.5 safely?
