This use to work but doesnt anymore.
When I create a new user acct and send them the welcome letter, it says it sent in successfully but it doesn't get to the end user. I sent multiple welcome letters to mulitple accts and no one gets them but it says it sent them.
I restarted DA but no success.
I decided to create another reseller account to test and the welcome letter for the new resller test account went out and I got it successfully.
I than logged in as the test reseller and added a new test user/client and sent them a welcome letter. Again this was unsuccessful.
It does not send the welcome letters although it says it does.
It does dsend the welcome letter to the new reseller accounts.
Please help, the company thats charging me monthly to use DA will not support it.....
Im at yahoo chat rainner468
or email at [email protected]
or [email protected]
thanks anyone !
This use to work but doesnt anymore.
When I create a new user acct and send them the welcome letter, it says it sent in successfully but it doesn't get to the end user. I sent multiple welcome letters to mulitple accts and no one gets them but it says it sent them.
I restarted DA but no success.
I decided to create another reseller account to test and the welcome letter for the new resller test account went out and I got it successfully.
I than logged in as the test reseller and added a new test user/client and sent them a welcome letter. Again this was unsuccessful.
It does not send the welcome letters although it says it does.
It does dsend the welcome letter to the new reseller accounts.
Please help, the company thats charging me monthly to use DA will not support it.....
Im at yahoo chat rainner468
or email at [email protected]
or [email protected]
thanks anyone !