Yes, something like that ... a simple tool integrated in DA would be great and I think many users need this feature.
It's simply because I am getting tired of hacking attempts from specific countries ;-)
I am aware of the scope of such a blockage, but none of the users of my server does not need the traffic from those countries (and even less in ssh or ftp for example).
csf is free and does integrate into DA, maybe its interim solution for you?
I agree, finally blocked all of china. tired of all the crap from there so said screw it.
Wouldn't really need something like this. When I check our logs from fail2ban it's barely 5% from China. Blocking all countries that did some attempts on a few services would be the same as unplugging the cables
Only thing we do is rate limiting the amount of new connections that can be made to ssh/pop3/imap. Furthermore we're running fail2ban to ban the bots that keep trying / to keep auth logs a bit clean
It's totally separate from DA Just disabled the bruteforce monitor in DA and installed fail2ban through the 'package manager' (ports in our case since we're running FreeBSD).