What do you think about the DirectAdmin policy related to lifetime licenses?

Sakamoto Ryōma

Verified User
Jun 4, 2011
We bought the lifetime licenses when there was no restriction on them and they were the highest license sold at that time.
The current offer to get a full feature set of software is converting your lifetime license to a monthly paid license with some discount.
From a business ethics perspective, lifetime licenses should be equal to current unlimited licenses.
If there should be an upgrade, there should be a one-time fee to upgrade the lifetime license to include all current features of the software.
By the way, I've been using DirectAdmin for more than 15 years and I have no complaints with the company and software, they even helped with converting dedicated licenses to internal data centre licenses for me and it helped a lot at that time, but I don't understand current licensing policy. I understand it may be better for them to sell monthly license types in the long term, so I'm okay to buy new monthly licenses when I need new licenses, but why are you punishing the people who already invested in your company in the past?