what does "Admin Backup/Transfer RC1" actually backup?


Verified User
Nov 9, 2006
hi guys

i'm setting up backups on a couple of servers, and have a quick question what exactly does the "Admin Backup/Transfer RC1" actually backup? does it include all sites and mysql databases on server if all users selected and does it all backup dns files etc and/or any other system files.

advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance

it backs up everything you need to restore for given resellers/users.

Does anyone know if it works properly? Does it restore a user or reseller properly? Has anyone tested it?
Hello, yes I have tested it restoring a user account a couple of times and it works as it should. :D
I actually did have some problems with the backup i made.

I had to reinstall a server and had backups running every night.
Once i reinstalled the server i let the backup restore but some of my clients backups didnt get restored as they should.Causing me alot of problems and costing me some of my clients :eek:

Got a lot of errors and angry customers ( even tho we do not provide backup as a service )

Im thinking twice before i use this function again
Since you made no reference to specific errors, your report doesn't reallly help debug the code. Can you be more specific as to exactly what was wrong or missing?

Since you made no reference to specific errors, your report doesn't reallly help debug the code. Can you be more specific as to exactly what was wrong or missing?

Sorry Jeff i didnt have much time while writing the other reply.

I had several problems with customers having complete website was without images after restore ( read/write was set to 0400 :confused: ) had to change rights for all images/customers
Tried to restore backup several times ( one by one or all at once)

And i have 2 customers who cant use their main emailaddy anymore ( the one which is created by DA).
Nothing i tried is working i even backup the website and made a new account ( same username ) but it didnt help for some strange reason.

Maybe this will help if possible solutions

And gives me time to say happy holidays to all and have a wonderfull 2008 :D :D :D
I don't know why the permissions problem could have happened. We had issues years ago when very early DA servers had different permissions/ownerships than more recent servers, but unless your original server was a very old installation (was it?) that should no longer be a problem.

We've seen the problem with username based email addresses not being delivered as well; we're still researching.

I don't know why the permissions problem could have happened. We had issues years ago when very early DA servers had different permissions/ownerships than more recent servers, but unless your original server was a very old installation (was it?) that should no longer be a problem.

We've seen the problem with username based email addresses not being delivered as well; we're still researching.


Hi Jeff,

The server was up 2 date but crashed and needed a new install.
Fact is that we were on Centos 4.4 final and we upgraded the license to Centos 5 but i dont think that should make any difference does it?

I had to set permissions of the images to what they should be.
For one site it was set wrong only from images before june 2006 and that was a bit strange.
Actually that could be a clue; it might be that somewhere around then DirectAdmin made changes to their default permissions/ownership for files, and that therefore images uploaded before then had a different set of permissions.

Also, i have almost every night at least 1 client whos backup is not made. Errors are that files are still opened, but as i did it before without directadmin this was never a problem...
I have noticed that DA dont like certain file names, example, A script I use will create a backup of a particular file before making changes, so the the file index.php will become index.php~, DA comes to a halt when it stumbles on the type of scheme , Need to get DA to not be picky while compressing a backup...:p
The tilde character (~) at the end of a file name generally represents a backup file. DirectAdmin should either ignore them or back them up; which would you prefer? (I generally prefer to ignore them; if I want to keep them I generally rename them to something else immediately after leaving the editor that created them.)


What backup method are you using? I tried a few things with an index.php~ file, but it didn't throw any errors. Maybe is OS specific, so inclue the OS if the problem persists.
