What does csf=yes/no in revision 2806 do?


Verified User
Nov 4, 2005
Can someone clarify what exactly this does:

2806 - Add csf=yes/no to the options.conf file.

CSF/LFD has been installed by default on all my server so far over the years, and I see that the default for this setting is "no". Does this mean the default has changed, or does this setting control something else than installation?
CSF/LFD has been installed by default on all my server so far over the years,
Well that is not many years then. Because csf was only installed when the /auto switch was used behind the setup.sh start, which wasn't present for that many years. 3 years maybe?

The switch is set so now users who are using the old way to setup things, can choose to yes or no install CSF at the same time.
As far I know, when using the /auto or just using the "setup.sh LK" it will be installed by default, unless that is changed too.
Oh hold up. I was mistaken, it looks like my ansible role runs separate tasks to install CSF. Sorry for confusing myself and possibly others. My setup.sh has not included auto, but has been setup.sh <clientid> <licenseid> <hostname> <interface> <ip>.

I guess then that leaving csf=no will work similar to how it's been working previously.
Well there are some changes... you don't need the client id anymore, it's now only setup.sh <licenseid> to install.
There are several commandline options possible too.
and especially this one: