What does DA install?


Verified User
Mar 8, 2004
I am fairly sure that DA will install required packages that it does not see on the base system, is this right? So, with security in mind, is it possible to install a base CentOS 4.2 (server cd) system and DA will install everything necessary? I mean, if I do not install webserver, ftpserver, php, mysql, etc; will DA install this for me? I'm just trying to have a clean system, with only the necessary packages for a DA controlled webhosting server. Does anyone know off hand? Thanks.
Sorry about that, my search terms must not have been too great. That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. :)
Be aware that you can install Apache 2 and Dovecot, you don't have to use the 2 mail apps listed.
I'm not sure what you mean by installing apache 2 and dovecot. AFAIK, DA will install apache 1.3 and careful editing of the yum.conf will keep me away from v2.0
Don't worry about it. Apache 2 and Dovecot are still beta in combination with DirectAdmin. Well... At least just dovecot. Apache2 has been working without incident for quite some time.