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I moved a server last week and changed the two main ipnumbers to one new ipnumber. Everything went fine.
Only the proftpd service wouldn't start. I noticed that in proftpd.vhosts.conf was one virtual host. I had the main ipnumber in it. I deleted the lines and proftpd works fine since then.
But! When I add a new customer to that system than a virtual host entry is add to the (empty) file and proftpd stops again. I deleted the lines he added and it starts again.
What exactly should be in this file proftpd.vhosts.conf ? My guess is that there should be domains in it with own ipnumbers (wich I don't have on that server) ? I noticed that all ftp accounts are in /etc/proftpd.passwd so no link to custom passwd files is needed ?
In the old situation I had one site with its own ipnumber and the rest shared one ip. I converted both ip's to one ip. One thing I did forget was that the site with the ip had a ssl certificate. So I changed it now so that this site will have it's own ip.
Perhaps this has something to do with it ?
I moved a server last week and changed the two main ipnumbers to one new ipnumber. Everything went fine.
Only the proftpd service wouldn't start. I noticed that in proftpd.vhosts.conf was one virtual host. I had the main ipnumber in it. I deleted the lines and proftpd works fine since then.
But! When I add a new customer to that system than a virtual host entry is add to the (empty) file and proftpd stops again. I deleted the lines he added and it starts again.
What exactly should be in this file proftpd.vhosts.conf ? My guess is that there should be domains in it with own ipnumbers (wich I don't have on that server) ? I noticed that all ftp accounts are in /etc/proftpd.passwd so no link to custom passwd files is needed ?
In the old situation I had one site with its own ipnumber and the rest shared one ip. I converted both ip's to one ip. One thing I did forget was that the site with the ip had a ssl certificate. So I changed it now so that this site will have it's own ip.
Perhaps this has something to do with it ?