"what is" directadmin?

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Verified User
Nov 28, 2004
this seens to be the main file for directadmin:

-rwx------ 1 diradmin diradmin 2322566 Feb 26 16:15 directadmin

i've heard directadmin is a static compiled file that does all the management (including the server)

ie, directadmin is a http/ssl server with many functions
in the other hand, cpanel for example uses apache to run itself

is that correct?
if it is, isn't it like reinventing the wheel?
Lem0nHead said:
i've heard directadmin is a static compiled file that does all the management (including the server)


Does cpanel really use apache (if it's running on a non-standard port? ;) )

I guess it depends on what you mean by reinventing the wheel, DA did not use cpanel source (as far as I know) and there is no source already available that performs or acts the same way DirectAdmin does, without dependency on any other applications, so I guess what exactly are you asking ?
Is what like reinventing the wheel?

Apache cannot control everything. Control Panels may choose to use Apache to present a user interface made up of many html, php, and/or other cgi programs.

But then if your httpd daemon fails you can't get in to your control panel to restart it.

DA didn't reinvent anything I can see, except perhaps if you think they shouldn't have bothered to create a control panel, since after all CPanel, Plesk, BlueLinq, H-Sphere, etc., already exist.

Do you mean they reinvented an httpd server? Frankly I doubt they did; my bet is they used one of the very capable available open source libraries.

I rather like the speed and simplicity of the DirectAdmin solution.


i'm talking about reinventing the httpd server
i don't know a good BSD httpd server... and it would be illegal to use a GPL httpd server (like apache) for commercial use
Are you saying that beyond a doubt there are no libraries available under the LGPL, BSD, or similar license that can be used for commercial products?

While I have no idea what library or libraries JBMC (the company producing DA) used, I can see beyond a doubt that the httpd code in Webmin is under the BSD license. To quote:
Following the acquisition of Webmin by Caldera, all past and future
versions of Webmin on Linux are available under the BSD licence. This
means that on the Linux platform, Webmin may be freely distributed and
modified for commercial and non-commercial use.

So I know there's at least one available.

DirectAdmin could have written their server from scratch. It is not that hard. I was able to write a simple http server using both C and Perl without to much trouble and I have not had any official training in an programming languages ;)
jmstacey said:
DirectAdmin could have written their server from scratch. It is not that hard. I was able to write a simple http server using both C and Perl without to much trouble and I have not had any official training in an programming languages ;)

a multi-thread server? with dynamic content?
apache is being developed for years and still have bugs and security issues

that's my main concern... if they developed an httpd server from the scratch, it should have many bugs and security issues..
a multi-thread server? with dynamic content?
apache is being developed for years and still have bugs and security issues

I used forks, which allowed multiple request to be handled at the same time. I did not implement any functions to handle dynamic content, but it would just be a matter of piping it to the corresponding interpreter and handling it. (piping is probably not the right term))

if they developed an httpd server from the scratch, it should have many bugs and security issues.

Not necassarily. If you program it properly. My small script and DirectAdmin's is nowhere near as expandable and configurable as apache, which is probably what makes apache buggy ;)
Lem0nHead, if you have any reasonable proof that DirectAdmin is insecure please bring it to their attention or to mine.

Otherwise please stop using the DA forum to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt about the DirectAdmin product.

I'm locking this thread because it's going nowhere fast.

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