what is directadmin's orientation ?


Verified User
Jun 5, 2009

i know directadmin for a long time but i only use cpanel,

now,i want to try to use directadmin as my delault control panel,

but by instinct,i feel cpanel has more feature than directadmin.

i want to ask what is directadmin's orientation?

adding more features in the feature ? or which parts are cared by directadmin ?

thank you

for example,

the easyapache in whm,
it could let admin to complie php more easy and quickly,

the php configuation in cpanel,
it can let users choose their php run as php4 or php5,

but it seems directadmin do not have the feature.

thank you
Though it's been a while since I've used WHM/cPanel, one thing I can remember was easyapache being prone to errors. Custombuild, the tool DirectAdmin uses, does an excellent job while allowing easy customization of any aspect of your installation, so far, I have yet to find any errors.

There is a PHP version selector plugin available on the forums which creates the functionality of changing versions on a per user setting. Have a search on these forums.
As getUP mentioned DirectAdmin offers CustomBuild which offers the same features of EasyApache and more. It also allows you to install multiple versions of php.
Custombuild is a command-line utility. As has been discussed previously on these forums, DirectAdmin isn't meant to replace systems administration skills.


could i say directadmin is like cpanel,

and Custombuild is like whm,

but Custombuild is a command-line way.

thank you
EasyApache was previously a command line script, CPanel simply made it a bit easier by offering a web interface. That said, if you do a fairly extensive build using EasyApache you're more prone to errors, time-outs and non-completes utilizing the web interface.

CustomBuild works as it should and I've yet to have any true problems with it. On the other hand, I've used CPanel much longer than I have DirectAdmin and I've ran into a ton of problems when trying to use their script, both command line and web interface.
Well I can tell you one thing.
DirectAdmin offers a really great Plugin support you can add everything you like, plus it works really great at system level running everything using native system calls, not like Cpanel which runs everything through it's binary.

Plus it's really easy to integrate a Custom Skin to DirectAdmin, a custom language, and besides it's fully costumisible.

And something that I never saw on Cpanel. DirectAdmin runs on Gentoo.
And something that I never saw on Cpanel. DirectAdmin runs on Gentoo.

Which version of DA and of Gentoo (32 or 64 bit) do you use with Gentoo?
We are using Gentoo on all of our servers, I would like to give DA a try.
DirectAdmin is not supported on Gentoo. Perhaps someone here has made it run and will tell us.
