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I have setup a fresh vps server specialy for these settings for the scripts i want to use.
What is the best option to do this on autopilot when i install a fresh DirectAdmin script on the new server?
Server Requirements for running the script:
PHP 7.4
Required PHP Modules:
GD Library
ionCube Loaders v10.2 or later
TTF (FreeType)
Zip Extension
PHP Configuration Requirements:
allow_url_fopen enabled
Zend OPcache disabled
PHP Handler: suphp
PHP-FPM disabled
Suhosin disabled
MySQL 5.7 (or lower) or MariaDB
MySQL V 8.X will cause issues and is not supported as of yet.
Recommended Version: MariaDB 10.3
The default configuration should work if using MariaDB 10.3.
If using MySQL or a different MariaDB version, the following changes may be required to your settings:
strict_trans_tables disabled
only_full_group_by disabled
What is the best option to do this on autopilot when i install a fresh DirectAdmin script on the new server?
Server Requirements for running the script:
PHP 7.4
Required PHP Modules:
GD Library
ionCube Loaders v10.2 or later
TTF (FreeType)
Zip Extension
PHP Configuration Requirements:
allow_url_fopen enabled
Zend OPcache disabled
PHP Handler: suphp
PHP-FPM disabled
Suhosin disabled
MySQL 5.7 (or lower) or MariaDB
MySQL V 8.X will cause issues and is not supported as of yet.
Recommended Version: MariaDB 10.3
The default configuration should work if using MariaDB 10.3.
If using MySQL or a different MariaDB version, the following changes may be required to your settings:
strict_trans_tables disabled
only_full_group_by disabled