What is the difference between these two backup commands?


Verified User
Oct 3, 2016
I got it from DirectAdmin's documentation website. Will these two commands do the same thing? Wouldn't a different method have to be used to restore the account?

/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin admin-backup --destination=/home/admin/admin_backups --user=testuser1

Currently I am using this command:
echo "action=backup&append%5Fto%5Fpath=nothing&database%5Fdata%5Faware=yes&email%5Fdata%5Faware=yes&local%5Fpath=%2Fhome%2Fadmin%2Fadmin%5Fbackups&owner=admin&type=admin&value=multiple&when=now&where=local&who=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
Will these two commands do the same thing?
First command is to backup only the specific mentioned user, just like it says in the documentation.

The second command is to restore users, as it also says in the documentation.
So either you copied the command incorrectly, or they already changed the docs because the beginning of the second command says:
echo "action=restore and not echo "action=backup like you posted, when I look in the docs.
First command is to backup only the specific mentioned user, just like it says in the documentation.

The second command is to restore users, as it also says in the documentation.
So either you copied the command incorrectly, or they already changed the docs because the beginning of the second command says:
echo "action=restore and not echo "action=backup like you posted, when I look in the docs.
Sorry for misunderstanding. I mean this command:

echo "action=backup&append%5Fto%5Fpath=nothing&database%5Fdata%5Faware=yes&email%5Fdata%5Faware=yes&local%5Fpath=%2Fhome%2Fadmin%2Fadmin%5Fbackups&owner=admin&type=admin&value=multiple&when=now&where=local&who=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
Sorry for misunderstanding. I mean this command:
I didn't see that command that quickly in the docs where you pointed to. However that is also for all users. However, with this line you can specify certain options if needed, like what is to be backed-up and if a path is added to the backup, like the options you can choose in the GUI.