What is the right way to install CLAMAV, SPAMD, etc.


Verified User
Jul 5, 2005
I was searching in here to find out how to get spamd, clamav, and a few other things going. I wound up finding a "ALL IN ONE" but the thought of running that things on my server freaks me out. Ca these things be installed and updated using yum? How come DirectAdmin does not have an easy way to take care of these things. If someone can give me some good advice on this I would really appreciate it.

I haven't seen one for ClamAV, but Wael's script works well and is pretty widely used.

It's also well supported so if you have problems you can usually find a quick answer on these forums.

If you do use a How-To from these forums just make sure you read any threads on it see what problems you might encounter with your OS.

By default the DA exim.conf file doesn't enable clam_av, so there's no script to install it. Hopefully that will change with the next release of the exim.conf file.
