What is with email support?


Verified User
Mar 13, 2007
What the hell is with your email support?
You are promissing to reply in 45min and for hours i didn't get a reply from you.

I have 5 servers with DA and on last 2 i have problems as sent in email - probmes are with DA itself - so when can i expect a reply?



PS: what the hell is with live support - its never live!
If you post what problem you are having then we might be able to help. If you are here just to show your anger then that is a waste of time. This is not the official DirectAdmin support.
The problem is when I click on “download” link in mysql management – it doesn’t start downloading as on any other servers but opens sth like this:


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there are several other occasions when this happens, i did also try this:

That's usually a mime-type issue.

Check your /etc/mime.types, and compare it with:


diff /etc/mime.types /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/conf/mime.types

If there are differences, type:

cp -f /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/conf/mime.types /etc/mime.types

---------------- but didn't work
this is happening on 2 newly installed servers with debian 5 os.
everything else works ok

I've already replied to this in an email, however I'll follow up again here. I googled this error, and came across this thread:

where the solution was to set /etc/mime.types to 644, as it previously wasn't readable by anyone, hence DA defaulted back to the text/plain header, giving you the less than desirable result. Also ensure the application/x-gzip gz tgz mime type is in the mime.types file (which is likely already there).

thanks for reply - this worked when downloading database, however if i download database from one server and restore it on another one it says "Database has been successfully Restored" - but in fact it hasn't been

this is just so wierd
also the vi editor didn't work, but the vim did = wierd
haven't tried through command line - don't know how to do it

but if i do through phpmyadmin - it works - so the problem is with DA
i guess DA doesen't know what to do with .gz file it requests for restore - so it just says everything is ok - similar as before not allowing it to download
haven't tried through command line - don't know how to do it

I am sorry I thought you were a server administrator. I am not sure how to help you at this point if you don't know anything about command lines.
i do know ssh things i need to know / use on regular basis - so i do know how to use it but don't know all the commands...
for other things i get outside support - but this is a DA error, so no one else except ppl familiar with DA or DA support will be able to solve this

Back to the problem: since recovery/import works in phpmyadmin - which does exactly the same thing as i would do manually entering command - the only source of the problem can be in DA
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The database is too large?

no, its just 1MB

I created a new test user account and got this error trying to recover database:
Unable to restore database test123_1 : sh: /usr/bin/gunzip: No such file or directory ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'test123'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

This error only apperars with new user account – other accounts were transfered from my old server – so maybe this is the case why they don't show above errers.

but if i recover gzipped database through phpmyadmin it works as it should - wierd

it's like DA doesen't know how to unzip it?

DA uses the password for mysql, that is used when you've logged into DA.

So if you've logged into your "testuser" account with the "login as" feature from
admin, that's not the correct password. As the admin password would be used for mysql, with the testuser account.. hence they don't match.

You must login directly as testuser with the testuser password for User Level mysql restores, without using "login as".


Ok, I forgot about this...

I logged in directly to test account and tried it again:
"Database has been successfully Restored" - but in fact it hasn't been - same thing as with admin account - nothing happens
mysql -u root -p database_name < dumpfile.sql

You can see your mysql root password doing this:
cat /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/setup.txt
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Thanks to John (email support), this fixed it:

This fixed it:
ln -s /bin/gunzip /usr/bin/gunzip
I created admin_test, added some data.
I downloaded the gz, deleted the data (Droped the table)
I then uploaded the gz to admin_test, and the data re-appeared.

If found /usr/bin/gunzip to have been hardcoded, but on debian it seems to be in /bin/gunzip.