What OS/Version please


Verified User
Aug 8, 2021
Evening guys, I'm just asking what would be the best OS to use for DA. I do like Ubuntu & Debian & prefer these flavours so was wondering what the best version to use would be. Last install was with Ubuntu 20.04, but was wondering if DA is compatible with 22.04 or newer? I think I heard a while back if I used 22.04 there was some kind of bug?

I'm using a VPS for this project with AMD Epyc and 16GB Ram. Apologies in advance for a silly question as i'm just getting back into all this after a long illness and time away from hosting.

Thank you for reading!

Hope you are doing better with your health!
There you can find what is supported by Directadmin, but my favourite cup of tea is Almalinux (8) :-)
Thank you for kind words! Don't think i've used Almalinux before,so i'll take a look. Thank you also for the link, i'll take a read now.

Kind regards, Alan.
If you are familiar with Debian / Ubuntu, I would suggest to stay with it. Depends on your DA license, you might or might not use Debian 13 or up, but Debian 12 should not be a problem.