what should i do to run a centos with directadmin ?


Verified User
Sep 16, 2009

those days,

i install and reinstall directadmin on my centos 5.3 64bit,

but i still can not enjoy it well,

can you give me some suggestion ?

i hope i can run it with suphp for security reason,
i need php5 and mysql5 to run forum and cart.

#2,how do i install
2-1, i know i need install centos 5.3 64bit without checking and install any package.
2-2, i follow the guide http://www.directadmin.com/installguide.html to install da.
2-3, run
# yum update yum
# yum update
yum install zip unzip quota dbus which lynx gcc-c++ flex autoconf
ref. http://directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=32950
2-4, install csf http://www.configserver.com/free/csf/install.txt

do i install those and my server will run directly?
or i need to install any others?

thank you
1. Yes, there should be no problems with suPHP, PHP5&MySQL5
2. yum update is enough (instead of "yum update yum", "yum update"). If you are not sure you have "make" on your system, add "make" to the "yum install "list.

Good luck!
I've always done yum update yum before doing yum update because it makes sure that if any RPMs need new functionality in yum, to update, they have it because yum was updated first. It only takes a few seconds.
