i kept recieving logwatch report saying that my xinet service was failed. and sendmail also failed often.
any ideas?
- Events Summary:
Total event count: 33
Average event count: 3
- Service Summary:
FTP [online - 0 events]
HTTP [online - 0 events]
DNS [online - 0 events]
SSH [online - 0 events]
MYSQL [online - 0 events]
SMTP [restart failed - 1 events]
XINET [offline - 11 events]
- System Summary:
LOAD [0.01 - status good - 0 events]
NETWORK [eth0 - online - 0 events]
- SIM Log:
[06/06/06 01:40:02]: XINET service is offline.
[06/06/06 01:40:02]: XINET offline, restart limit exceeded.
[06/06/06 01:40:02]: SMTP service is offline.
[06/06/06 01:40:02]: SMTP restart failed, could not find /etc/init.d/sendmail.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: LOAD 0.01 (status good)
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: NETWORK is online.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: FTP service is online.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: HTTP service is online.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: DNS service is online.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: SSH service is online.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: MYSQL service is online.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: XINET service is offline.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: XINET offline, restart limit exceeded.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: SMTP service is offline.
[06/06/06 01:45:01]: SMTP restart failed, could not find /etc/init.d/sendmail.
any ideas?