when is this file used? /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/httpd.conf


Verified User
Oct 10, 2005
I'm asking because just now I notice it exists, I've always done my changes directly on /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and they were never lost.

So... is this just used at DA installation or someday DA might think it's a good day to rewrite my httpd.conf from that template and I lose all my changes?

If there's a chance I may aswell apply my changes on the template.
That one is for installation only.
The main httpd.conf with customapache is safe from overwrites.

With custombuild, the main httpd.conf is rewritten with the "./build rewrite_confs" command (and possibly other build commands), so if you're using custombuild, you'd have to be more careful when making changes.

Ok, thanks John.

How's the custombuild compared to customapache? Which one is recommended to be used by now?
Use the one with the features you need. Custombuild is fairly stable now.
Customapache if you want the "classic" apache 1.3, php4, frontpage.
Custombuild if you want apache 2, and any combination of php. (no frontpage in custombuild)
