Where are access and error logs stored?


Verified User
Sep 27, 2016
I can see the access and error logs in DirectAdmin. But I would assume these are normal log files which I can also see with SSH. However I can't seem to find any log files in my home dir. I do have a logs/ dir which contains some .gz files, but no actual or current log.

Are the log files somewhere within my regular file structure, accessible through SSH? (I mean as a user)
Or can I (or my hoster) configure DirectAdmin to change the log file location to somewhere within my homedir?
Right, thanks, I can see there are /var/log/directadmin/ and /var/log/httpd/ directories on my server, but I can't access (read) them.

Does that mean I can't access the logs from ssh at all, or would this be something that a hoster could grant me access to? I'm wondering because those log file paths don't seem to be domain or account specific.