Where are the httpd.conf files?


Verified User
Jan 18, 2009
Where does DA store the custom httpd.conf files for domains? I need to edit one because of the way I choose to do subdomains (don't want it as a subdirectory of public_html). I have no idea where to find these files and the Custom HTTPD Configurations area does not allow me to edit the file.
Where does DA store the custom httpd.conf files for domains? I need to edit one because of the way I choose to do subdomains (don't want it as a subdirectory of public_html). I have no idea where to find these files and the Custom HTTPD Configurations area does not allow me to edit the file.

In default installation of directadmin the httpd.conf file for your users is in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/httpd.conf
But any time you add or delete a domain that file gets overwritten and any custom changes you have made will be gone.

If you do not want it as a subdirectory then delete the subdomain and add it as a regular domain.
Is there a HOWTO article on that?
Would it cause a conflict if both www.domain.tld and subdomain.domain.tld are owned by the same user?
Is it possible to have both of those domains share the same resources?
What about editing the primary httpd.conf file and adding the subdomain information there? Would that then ignore the latter entry generated by DA?

I know on Plesk (what I had before) each domain had its own custom httpd.conf file that would be loaded by apache. This allowed you to easily adjust things for one domain without worry of other domains being affected.

Because these settings are based on the user (/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/httpd.conf) if I add a domain to user2 will user1's httpd.conf file also be rewritten?
Is there a HOWTO article on that?

1. Click Domain Setup.
2. Click Add another domain.
3. Add the subdomain.

There is your article on adding a domain.

Would it cause a conflict if both www.domain.tld and subdomain.domain.tld are owned by the same user?

Not any more so than any other domain on the same user.

Is it possible to have both of those domains share the same resources?

All domains on the same server share the same resources which are ram, hard drive, cpu to mention a few.

What about editing the primary httpd.conf file and adding the subdomain information there? Would that then ignore the latter entry generated by DA?

Only if it is loaded last.

I know on Plesk (what I had before) each domain had its own custom httpd.conf file that would be loaded by apache. This allowed you to easily adjust things for one domain without worry of other domains being affected.

Good for Plesk. You are on DirectAdmin now. What Plesk does is irrelevant.

Because these settings are based on the user (/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/httpd.conf) if I add a domain to user2 will user1's httpd.conf file also be rewritten?

where the location of httd.conf file. Not individual domain httpd.conf. Need the common httpd.conf file.