Where did my SSL Key go?!


Verified User
Feb 8, 2007
I used DA to generate my CSR, then bough a cert, then came back an pasted in just the cert (without leaving the key part in the textarea). I submitted the form and got the "Unable to find key" message. Then I realized I was supposed to leave that text there and paste in only the cert.

Did I destroy my KEY? What now, cancel the CRT and order a new one?
Thanks for the tip. After posting, I poked around DA some more, came back to the SSL page again and the key had magically reappeared. I'm not sure where DA stores that but I was happy that it came back. So my SSL issues are resolved. :)
Because DirectAdmin found the missing key (the Unable to find key message) it didn't continue, so the key file wasn't overwritten. So refreshing your browser, or leaving the page and returning, would reread it.

Lucky for you :D.
