Where do you report BUGS?


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
Im wondering, because i see no thread regarding existing bugs in 1.2.28. Nor do i see very many people posting BUG related questions.
Well the feedback forum would work I would think. You can also send an email to [email protected] with the details of the bug.

Every now and then there is a post about a bug but not enough to be worth its own forum.
Well, there are 4 very obvious bugs in the latest version thats why im asking. I dont see DA scrambing to fix them or posting a HOTFIX thats immeidately downloadable. Strange, as their updates are usually a monthly occurance. Hopefully, bugs posted to their support is noted and fixed quickly.
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I have already posted them without any replies or answers from a single person.
Did you send them to DA support? If you did, and they didn't respond, then they probably didn't consider them to be bugs.
