Hi all...
Problem of the day (existentialist you'll say)
When installing clamAV, i remember having had to :
crontab -e
and entered the cron jobs for this soft...
yet when editing /etc/crontab, the line concerning clamAV doesnt appear anywhere, and i cannot find it anywhere else than be typing crontab -e which points on a /tmp/crontab.xxxxxxxx
For my personnal culture, i'd like to understand difference between the etc/ crontab and the tmp/crontab...
Is the tmp/crontab necessary ??? or can i copy paste the data it contains ( 2 lines in fact :
0 5 * * * /usr/local/sysbk/sysbk -q
40 * * * * /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet) inside /etc/crontab
Thks for your help..
Problem of the day (existentialist you'll say)
When installing clamAV, i remember having had to :
crontab -e
and entered the cron jobs for this soft...
yet when editing /etc/crontab, the line concerning clamAV doesnt appear anywhere, and i cannot find it anywhere else than be typing crontab -e which points on a /tmp/crontab.xxxxxxxx
For my personnal culture, i'd like to understand difference between the etc/ crontab and the tmp/crontab...
Is the tmp/crontab necessary ??? or can i copy paste the data it contains ( 2 lines in fact :
0 5 * * * /usr/local/sysbk/sysbk -q
40 * * * * /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet) inside /etc/crontab
Thks for your help..