Where is the domain?


Verified User
Mar 30, 2020
Hello, I am testing DA. I am a cPanel user, so I am a newbie.
I tested to create a reseller account example.com (I also tried another names).
The account is created, but when I logout from admin to reseller and go to Account Manager > List Users, is not showing the account (domain) that I set as main account for the reseller.

How do I solve this?

Like I said I use cPanel, when I create a reseller account there and I want to show the domain inside the reseller account I simple check the box "Make the account a reseller" to create and show the domain inside the reseller.

Any idea?
reseller's own accoun at USER_LEVEL - it's not listed in userlist
and go to Account Manager > List Users, is not showing the account (domain) that I set as main account for the reseller.
That's normal behaviour. You will see the reseller's domain as Admin and also the reseller's name.

If you login as reseller, then use "user level" to see the domains. Because the reseller is not created by the reseller, he's not a user of himself and does not appear in the user list.