Verified User
I'm trying to install Request Tracker, part of the readme says this:
I'm not really sure where to put that. I've tried using the admin tool to edit a user's httpd.conf and I've tried putting it directly into the main httpd.conf. Even when running "configtest" shows no errors, httpd refuses to start back up again.
Where should I be putting this bit of code? When I put my IP address in place of "your.ip.address," do I need a port number? What should I put for "your.rt.server.hostname"? Should that be a subdomain that already exists, or one that does not exist?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Next, add a few lines to your Apache configuration file, so that
it knows where to find RT:
<VirtualHost your.ip.address>
ServerName your.rt.server.hostname
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/
<Location />
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason
I'm not really sure where to put that. I've tried using the admin tool to edit a user's httpd.conf and I've tried putting it directly into the main httpd.conf. Even when running "configtest" shows no errors, httpd refuses to start back up again.
Where should I be putting this bit of code? When I put my IP address in place of "your.ip.address," do I need a port number? What should I put for "your.rt.server.hostname"? Should that be a subdomain that already exists, or one that does not exist?
Thanks for any help you can offer.