Which OS to use


Verified User
Sep 5, 2007
I am planning to setup a new dedicated server with directadmin, but I can choose between the next operating systems:

- Fedora Core 7 64 bits
- Centos 5
- Debian Etch

I know the operating systems by name, but I do not any details.

Can someone tell me what the differences are, and which one is 'better'. Or is it more personal taste?
Fedora 7 64-bit is not supported at all, Debian Etch is in beta (from DirectAdmin side). So, only CentOS 5 is left.
I'm using CentOS 4.5 64bit and very stable so far. Had problems with a CentOS 5 64bit box with DA earlier.
I use DirectAdmin on Debian Etch and FreeBSD. And in the past i've used DA with Fedora, RedHat, CentOS...

It's working good :)
As quoted by jeff many times on these forums Directadmin is designed on CentOS anything else is a port.

CentOS 5 32bit is nice and solid.
Yes, I agree with you. The person who has set up the directadmin configuration for me is most familiar with Fedora. So Fedora it is.
Actually familiarity with Fedora means familiarity with CentOS; you won't notice the difference now.

The difference you will notice is later, when Fedora is no longer updated; CentOS is an Enterprise distribution, and is updated for five or more years.
