Whois, API, PHP together a script


Verified User
Dec 28, 2005
Dear volunteers,

I want make a script but i dont have the knowledge to create a usefull script. I would be pleased if there are some volunteers who could help me with my problem.

I have bought cWhois Domain Cart V2.5 script. (http://www.vibralogix.com/cwhoiscart/) This script checks the availability of the domainname. You can buy a domainname and hosting with this script.

It would be more usefull when this script also creates automatically an user account on DA (the server). How can i add this funtion?

Some domainnames reguires a contract. I dont want to send the contracts manually. I want to send them automatically. cWhois also sends a conformation e-mail. How can i add the contract (PDF file) in this email? I heard about Email Header but i dont know the codes that send a file as attachment.
Can some help and inform me about this. ??
Is it also possible to send the attachment, when the user account is created on DA. DA sends a conformation email when a user is created.

I need some volunteers who can help me creating this scripts. The volunteers who help can also make use of this script.

I hope that someone can help.