Who's Jim? And why does he own my apache build?


Verified User
Jan 8, 2004
OK this is strange to me.

/usr/local/directadmin/customapache/apache_1.3.31 is owned by Jim and group Staff.

What in the world is this? Who is Jim?

I can't say I know who Jim is, but my /usr/local/directadmin/customapache/apache_1.3.31 was owned by 'l0rdphi1' and group 'games'.

To fix this, I ran the command ./build clean, which will remove the said directory.

I suppose after every use of ./build ... you can run the clean command.

Good luck.

Same here, and some of the other packages are owned by users. A little strange but everything seems to be working so....
The UID and GID are stored in the inode of each file and directory, and it just so happens that those numbers match a UID and GID you have on your system. If you look in your /etc/passwd you will see a user Jim that happens to match the UID of the user that tar'd up the apache directory tree.

Usually if you untar a file as root, it will keep the owner/group id's unless you use the 'o' option. If you untar as a user, the files will assume the owner/group id's of the user.
Thats what I figured. It would be wise though to have build chown all files once downloaded for safety since if a user knew what he was doing he could possibly modify the package in such a way that once it was rebuilt (if there was no update) it could take down the server in theory. Thankfully its an internal threat so not as bad as it could be :p