echo "disable_ip_check=1" >> /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf
2016:04:11-02:27:39: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-02:27:39: secure_access_group=access did not exist (9999). Creating it and adding defaults.
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/admin/user.usage) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/admin/reseller.usage) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/admin/reseller.allocation) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/admin/admin.usage) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/admin/admin.allocation) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/admin/admin.conf) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/admin/user.usage) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/admin/reseller.usage) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/admin/reseller.allocation) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/admin/admin.usage) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-02:27:39: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/admin/admin.allocation) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2016:04:11-03:21:56: Reseller admin has not created any packages thus cannot create a User
2016:04:11-03:23:01: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-03:23:42: Reseller dcvlweb has not created any packages thus cannot create a User
2016:04:11-03:25:04: Reseller dcvlweb has not created any packages thus cannot create a User
2016:04:11-03:27:08: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-04:38:55: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-04:39:04: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-05:16:37: Auth:assValid: unable to get user_info for dcvluser
2016:04:11-05:22:18: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-05:22:41: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-05:22:51: Error with quotas: setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found or has no quota enabled.
setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
2016:04:11-11:26:11: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2016:04:11-11:26:11: Error while sending ./data/skins/enhanced/images/header.gif. Sent 7
2016:04:11-11:26:11: Send:sendData(/IMG_SKIN_HEADER): attempted to send 16627 bytes, but only 14579 were delivered
2016:04:11-04:17:17: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:17:43: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:18:04: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:19:15: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:19:47: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:20:07: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:20:39: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:21:08: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:22:34: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:23:26: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:25:29: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:25:46: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:28:02: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:29:39: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:30:22: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:31:07: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:31:28: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:35:48: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:37:07: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:37:49: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-04:38:42: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:07:38: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:08:04: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:09:30: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:11:15: '' successful login to 'admin' after 2 attempts
2016:04:11-05:12:24: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:14:20: '' successful login to 'admin' after 2 attempts
2016:04:11-05:14:51: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:16:37: '' 2 failed login attempts. Account 'dcvluser'
2016:04:11-05:16:41: '' successful login to 'admin' after 2 attempts
2016:04:11-05:16:57: '' successful login to 'dcvl' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:17:30: '' successful login to 'dcvlweb' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:17:57: '' successful login to 'dcvl' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:18:37: '' successful login to 'dcvlweb' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:18:58: '' successful login to 'dcvlweb' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:19:28: '' successful login to 'dcvlweb' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:20:14: '' successful login to 'dcvlweb' after 2 attempts
2016:04:11-05:20:39: '' successful login to 'dcvlweb' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:21:20: '' successful login to 'dcvl' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:22:00: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-05:23:04: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:10:12: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:10:34: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:11:32: '' successful login to 'admin' after 2 attempts
2016:04:11-10:12:07: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:13:59: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:15:16: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:15:49: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:16:28: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:16:51: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:17:20: '' successful login to 'admin' after 2 attempts
2016:04:11-10:18:01: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:25:47: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-10:37:24: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-11:25:08: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-11:26:05: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-11:26:33: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-11:28:59: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-11:30:25: '' successful login to 'admin' after 1 attempts
2016:04:11-11:35:03: '' successful login to 'admin' after 2 attempts
2016:04:11-02:27:39: Admin admin is being created by root.
2016:04:11-02:28:01: Converting to dovecot email format
2016:04:11-02:28:01: Converting to dovecot: start
2016:04:11-02:28:01: Converting to dovecot: stop
2016:04:11-02:28:01: ips.conf rewritten
2016:04:11-02:28:02: directadmin restarted
2016:04:11-02:28:03: httpd restarted
2016:04:11-02:28:03: named started
2016:04:11-02:28:08: proftpd started
2016:04:11-02:29:02: httpd restarted
2016:04:11-03:16:02: httpd restarted
2016:04:11-03:17:22: signal TERM received. Waiting for children to exit
2016:04:11-03:17:22: Clean shutdown successful
2016:04:11-03:18:02: named restarted
2016:04:11-03:23:01: Reseller dcvlweb is being created by admin.
2016:04:11-03:23:01: Domain is being created via creation of User account
2016:04:11-03:24:02: httpd restarted
2016:04:11-03:24:02: named reloaded
2016:04:11-03:24:02: proftpd rereaded
2016:04:11-03:24:02: sshd reloaded
2016:04:11-03:27:08: User dcvl is being created by admin.
2016:04:11-03:27:08: Domain is being created via creation of User account
2016:04:11-03:28:02: httpd restarted
2016:04:11-03:28:02: named reloaded
2016:04:11-03:28:02: proftpd rereaded
2016:04:11-03:28:02: sshd reloaded
2016:04:11-03:33:01: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:33:07: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:33:26: signal TERM received. Waiting for children to exit
2016:04:11-03:33:26: Clean shutdown successful
2016:04:11-03:34:01: named restarted
2016:04:11-03:34:02: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:34:07: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:35:01: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:35:07: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:36:01: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:36:06: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:37:02: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:37:07: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:38:01: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:38:06: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:39:01: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:39:06: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:40:01: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:40:07: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:41:01: lfd started
2016:04:11-03:41:06: lfd restarted
2016:04:11-03:42:02: lfd started
2016:04:11-04:32:01: signal TERM received. Waiting for children to exit
2016:04:11-04:32:01: Clean shutdown successful
2016:04:11-04:32:01: directadmin restarted
2016:04:11-04:39:01: proftpd rereaded
2016:04:11-04:40:01: proftpd rereaded
2016:04:11-05:10:17: signal TERM received. Waiting for children to exit
2016:04:11-05:10:17: Clean shutdown successful
2016:04:11-05:11:01: named restarted
2016:04:11-05:23:01: proftpd rereaded
2016:04:11-05:23:20: Domain deleted via (null)
2016:04:11-05:23:20: User dcvlweb removed by admin
echo "use_cookie_expires=0" >> /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf