Why do we need a custombuild and customapache?


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
What is the point of two? This only leads to massive confusion. I'm still using the old version. Which is the one supported by DA? If its old why isnt the second one approved and moved into production as the standard version supported by DA if its better?

Which one should we use and when is it going to be standarized? This has been going on for so long now, like 2yrs. Its completely pointless. Give us one please.
Why do we need a custombuild and customapache? What is the point of two?
We at my company don't. But many users still use customapache, and if it suddenly disappeared that could cause problems for those users. On new servers you should probably always install custombuild. On existing servers you should start moving them to custombuild, but note that some services will be offline for some period of time.
