Why is there no cgi-bin?


New member
Dec 7, 2005

I've set up a small website at poetmark.com, and the programmer is setting up some cgi nd php scripts on it. However, when he tried, he asked me the question below, and I have no answer.

My package shows cgi and php enabled, but there's no path for it on the sites. Nor can I find cgi-bin in the file manager.

When I enabled Frontpage extensions, did the system erase the cgi-bin, etc.? If so, how can they be put back?

Here is his question to me...

"From what I can tell, this documentation is telling me that I need to be running my test scripts from within a CGI-bin. The problem here is that I don't actually see a CGI-bin anywhere on the server. I am not sure if this is something that needs to be created or if my login account needs to be adjusted so that I have access to it."

I'd appreciate any help you might give.

Thank you,

Thanks - Didn't Work, tho!

Thanks for the idea, Planepix. I had highest hopes it would work, but it did not.

I disabled and re-enabled cgi and php, and the cgi-bin is still missing in public_html.

I wonder - does anyone have experience with FrontPage erasing the cgi-bin directory?

Also, does anyone kmow how to put one there if it is absent?

Thank you!

Just create a cgi-bin directory underneath the public_html directory.

If you really wan't one.

DA allows cgi files to be anywhere.

(as do the old Cobalt RaQs)
