why upgrade to apache2?


Verified User
Feb 15, 2005
New York
Can someone tell me why I would want to use apache2 instead of apache 1.3?

From my understanding the real benefit is for windows users not for Linux/Unix because of the multithreading support.

Is there any disadvantages? I know many mod_ libs don't work but it appears most of the ones I want do.
I always think you should listen to the people who make the software, then know what they're talking about after all, and they say that Apache 2 is just better (to quote Nigel Tufnell, "its one better")

Other than that, the improved module handling worked for me in a big way - I never had to recompile my apache installation to add anything - I just added a module (and several of them just by using yum it was only mcrypt support that required a rpm off sourceforge. That's my idea of making life easy for myself to spend on other tasks).

Otherwise, Apache 2.2 is out and has more stuff in it. Particularly, mod_cache is now considered 'production quality' so maybe it'll make your sites go a lot faster, and it now supports large files (> 2GB)

I've not run apache 1.3 for ages, and I'm perfectly happy with 2
Speaking of Apache 2.x vs 1.3, what would be the upgrade process for some of us who have DirectAdmin with the custom-apache 1.3 running?
Thank you very much. Does anyone else have opinions or thoughts on upgrading to Apache 2.x? Does it break any well known web-based software, ecommerce software, etc?
when I try to upgrade to apache 2.x on fedora core 4.. using the directadmin installation files, as soon as it reaches the php compiling the setup program crashes , and it locks me out of SSH.

I reboot the machine and of course apache won't start..

I was forced to downgrade to the 1.3x series.
now everything works fine..
I have the same OS and the same happened with me, but I restarted the upgrade from where everything crashed (php) and when finishing the list, everything worked OK